张 峰*

发布时间:Oct 19, 2022点击量:








2017年博士毕业于同济大学;随后赴巴黎高科-法国国立路桥大学从事助理研究员研究工作;2022年加入九州平台-九州(中国)(武汉)。在Engineering Geology、Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering(ASCE)、Acta Geotechnica等工程地质、岩土工程相关领域国际著名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,平均影响因子5.5


1.法 国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)应用基础研究项目:Investigation on the gas transfer of backfill/sealing materials 


2. 法国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)应用基础研究项目:Investigation on the hydro-mechanical behavior of Tégulines clay 


3. 法国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)应用基础研究项目:Investigation on the shear strength of Tégulines clay and swelling behavior of cracked/fissured Callovo-Oxfordian claystone                                                                                   


4. 欧盟第七框架协议玛丽居里国际交流计划项目,FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES-612665,Geotechnical and geological Responses to climate change: Exchanging Approaches and Technologies on a world-wide scale                  



1.Zhang, F*., Cui, Y.J. 2022. Microstructure-based insight into different swelling pressure determination methods. Engineering Geology,106777.

2. Zhang, F*., Cui, Y.J., Chen, B. 2022. Investigation of suction effects due to stress release with compacted MX80 bentonite. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), 148(9): 04022070.

3. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Conil, N., Talandier, J. 2021. Effect of fracture voids on the swelling behaviour of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. Engineering Geology, 280, 105935.

4. Zhang, Z., Zhang, F*, Muhammed, R.D. 2021. Effect of air volume fraction on the thermal conductivity of compacted bentonite materials. Engineering Geology, 284: 106045.

5. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Conil, N., Talandier, J. 2020. Assessment of swelling pressure determination methods with intact Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, 1879-1888.

6. Zhang, F., Ye, W.M*., Wang, Q., Chen, Y.G., Chen, B. 2020. Effective stress incorporating osmotic suction and volume change behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Acta Geotechnica, 15, 1925-1934.

7. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Zeng, L.L., Conil, N. 2019. Anisotropic features of natural Teguline clay. Engineering Geology, 261, 105275.

8. Zhang, F., Ye, W.M*., Wang, Q., Chen, Y.G., Chen, B. 2019. An insight into the swelling pressure of GMZ01 bentonite with consideration of salt solution effects. Engineering Geology, 251: 190-196.

9. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Zeng, L.L., Robinet, J.C., Conil, N. 2018. Effect of degree of saturation on the unconfined compressive strength of natural stiff clays with consideration of air entry value. Engineering Geology, 237: 140-148.

10. Zhang, F., Ye, W.M*., Chen, Y.G., Chen, B., Cui, Y.J. 2016. Influences of salt solution concentration and vertical stress during saturation on the volume change behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 207: 48-55.


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